Douglas Westwater

Posted: 13 April 2019, in

Douglas has been CEO of Community Enterprise for 15 years, combining his role as chief officer with a portfolio of projects connecting him with grassroots issues. He has grown a range of initiatives to support to the sector – from Accelerate which supports non-trading community groups to flourish, to Bold, the successful social enterprise branding and design agency.  Douglas also has a particular interest in the impact of digital and has developed a range of digital initiatives.  Community Enterprise is a 100% sustainable social enterprise.

Douglas has worked in the enterprising third sector and with social enterprises in Scotland for more than 25 years. He is particularly skilled in community regeneration, including both urban and rural with a particular interest in areas of industrial decline such as coalfield communities.  Over recent years he has built significant experience in more remote rural areas and has good links and relationships right across Scotland.