Building a united voice for social enterprise

Posted: 22 March 2022, in News

Please read our open letter to the social enterprise community in Scotland here.

Social Enterprise Scotland recognises the responsibility that the opportunity to deliver the single enhanced intermediary (SEI) brings.  It is important to share that we are committed to deliver this in partnership with Scotland’s social enterprises and their support agencies, and to consult with them on what we do and how we do it.

We acknowledge the work SENScot has also done to build the social enterprise community and want to enhance it.  We will start to formally deliver this programme from 1st July 2022 but will be progressing consultations from now onwards and making internal and external changes over the next 3 – 6 months.

Our key priorities are:

  • Consulting, listening and understanding the views of social enterprises to enable us to shape current and future service provision
  • Changing our governance structure so we are more representative of social enterprises as a movement and demonstrate our independence
  • Growing markets (public and private) for social enterprises and supporting social enterprises to access those markets.
  • Providing high quality research to make the case for social enterprise.
  • Contributing, and helping social enterprises achieve Net Zero targets.
  • Ensuring that Social Enterprise Scotland is financially sustainable in the medium/long term.

We want to move as quickly as possible on these, whilst recognising that some will have a longer timescale.  This is your process and we need your views and we commit to use this weekly bulletin to update you on progress and to invite your views on what we can do differently or do better.