Empowering women to improve life chances
Posted: 04 April 2022, in News
Social, Health & Education (SHE) Scotland is a Community Interest Company (CIC) aiming to support females aged 8 years plus to be empowered, supported and aspirational and to improve their life chances.
SHE is a driving force for future generations of women, supporting them to realise their potential and positively impact on their communities. Our Circle Time and Mind, Body & Soul Programmes impacts positively on female wellbeing. Developing positive relationships, and increasing self esteem will support women to engage positively with their peers, improve engagement in their learning and create future opportunities.
Karen Anderson, SHE Founder and Project Director has developed partnerships with informal and formal education providers, which has enabled over 2000 females to engage in programmes, projects and opportunities.
The impact of Covid has deepened the mental health crisis, increased the pressures on various support organisations and widened the number of young people dealing with mental health issues. SHE aims to enhance existing programmes, develop stronger support systems and provide opportunities for females to positively impact on their community.
In addition SHE now also offers employability programmes, mentoring and training opportunities. SHE aims to develop a strategic approach to empower females to use coping mechanisms, increase knowledge of strategies to decrease everyday anxieties which they face.
Developing female leadership skills and providing opportunities for females to mentor, support and encourage other females will have a significant impact on their mental wellbeing and develop a stronger sense of direction. SHE Mentoring and Ambassador programmes support females from 14yrs upwards.
All SHE programmes are designed and delivered to create real change for females. Building on the last 4 years, increasing our knowledge, partnerships and in turn increasing opportunities for a whole generation of females.
SHE Scotland not only in name but also aspiration. Building our SHE-army of confident, empowered and inspirational females.
For more information about SHE and our services please contact: Karen Anderson, Project director at SHEScotland@outlook.com
Check out: www.shescotland.org.uk