Bailliefields Community Hub logo

Bailliefields Community Hub

Health and social care - Sport and leisure

Aims and Objectives 

The aims of Bailliefields Community Hub is to make the local community a better place to live by addressing the following:

  • Providing opportunities to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  • Promoting inclusion and equality for the young and elderly. 
  • Tackling social isolation and the health and wellbeing.
  • Connecting the local community and giving a sense of belonging.

Providing opportunities to the lives of people with Disabilities

The cricket club will become a Cricket Scotland Disability Champion Club and start a disability section to provide equal opportunities for everyone whether in participation, coaching or administration.

In addition, we will target new partnerships with groups such as Scottish Association for Mental Health to provide the community with new support programmes.

Promoting Inclusion and Equality for the young and elderly

We embrace the right of young people to be involved in sport and community by making our club affordable, personal and a place that feels at the heart of where they live. We already have developed partnerships with several groups and this work will continue as we identify and target new partnerships and programmes all with a key social aspect to promote inclusion and reduce social isolation.

Although cricket is primarily a male orientated sport the club has grown the female junior membership, along with female specific sessions in combination with Cricket Scotland to ensure that there is a true gender mix from the club. Increasing and supporting female activity remains a key objective of the club going forward.

We also aim to increase the number of females who volunteer coaching to provide role models for the younger girls.

This will also give us a social space for group interactions after events as a vital social aspect to what we do. The social space would enable more female inclusive social activities to support the growth of overall female membership.

The Upper Braes area of Falkirk has seen growth, but alongside that has seen areas of deprivation remain static. Facilities with disabled access and provision are non-existent and opportunities for an ageing population are very few and diminishing.  

Tackling Social Isolation and Health and Wellbeing

Our community want a space to sit, chat and continue to build friendships which we have begun by running regular bake off/cooking events and ensuring everything we do has a social element.

We want to use food and cooking to bring people together while promoting the use of locally sourced and Scottish produce. Its priority will be affordability and working with the allotment holders and local suppliers. 

The Hub will be for the community promoting affordable, friendly and diverse range of regular activities such as book club, music and record evenings, holistic therapies such as yoga and tai chi for all ages, cultural cooking evenings, cycling and running clubs, bike maintenance and choir singing. These are events the local community have already interest in running in the new social space.

Connecting the Community

We are in a very favourable geographical site as the ground lies on the edge of Falkirk Councils Urban/Village limit and also share’s a boundary with Rumford West Wildlife site (Appendix 1 No 45) designated in Falkirk Councils Biodiversity and Geodiversity Settlement Plan. The ground also lies on Falkirk Council’s commitments to The Central Scotland Green Network plan (page 18).

With this in mind we believe a Community Hub in this location will provide the right location for a facility that also caters for Nature, Walkers, Cyclists and will be of interest to local historians due to the mining history.


Phone number:

Head office:
Bailliefields, Sunnyside Road, Redding, Falkirk, FK2 0RN, Falkirk, United Kingdom

Local authority coverage: