Lower Impact Living – Lil CIC logo

Lower Impact Living – Lil CIC

Environment, recycling and conservation - Retail
Lil is zero waste, zero fuss and 100% feel good! Lil literally stands for Lower Impact Living, and all our projects and profits go into helping people reduce their unnecessary waste with tips, information and products. Wherever you are, we can help you with a closed loop / refill system to your door across your toiletries, household items and pantry goods. We've got great nature-friendly, low waste gift ideas and innovative products right down to the sunglasses from recycled fishing plastics that support research into blindness at Edinburgh University. We research and test our products, can tell you why we stock this choice - and if you think there's a better, then please do get in touch. Our behaviour change projects range from clothes swap (swish) events, litter picking, workplace and event pop ups, to specifically tailored outreach to help your nursery/ school/ community group/ workplace think about its waste - across plastic, energy and carbon.
Phone number:
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Head office:
The Old Castle, East Saltoun, EH34 5DY

Local authority coverage: