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6th Meeting of Cross-Party Group on Social Enterprise, Tue 18 June 2013 – Scotland’s social enterprise policy forum

Posted: 15 July 2013

Doc Type(s): About Social Enterprise Scotland

The Cross-Party Group on Social Enterprise in The Scottish Parliament is Scotland’s social enterprise policy forum. You can see the agenda and opportunities information from the 6th meeting below. The full report will be available soon.

You can see details of the Purpose of the group, MSP involvement and the external member list etc. on The Scottish Parliament website here.

What are Cross-Party Groups in The Scottish Parliament? Cross-Party Groups (CPGs) provide an opportunity for Members of all parties, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest in a particular cause or subject.


6th meeting of Scotland’s Cross-Party Group on Social Enterprise in The Scottish Parliament

Scotland’s policy forum for social enterprise

Tuesday 18 June 2013, 13:00 – 14:30

(external guests please arrive at 12:45 at the latest to get through security)

Committee Room 2, The Scottish Parliament

Chic Brodie MSP, Scottish National Party, Convener

Anne McTaggart MSP, Scottish Labour, Vice Convener

After a free vote of group members the theme of this meeting is the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games & Social Enterprise.

This meeting will cover such topics as: What opportunities are available for social enterprises? Are we taking full business advantage of the games? What role are sport social enterprises playing in Glasgow and beyond? What role are health social enterprises and others playing? What can social enterprises gain from the legacy?

We will be joined by Francesca Osowska, Director, The Commonwealth Games and Sport, The Scottish Government and Diane Cameron, Social Enterprise & Sports Co-ordinator, Senscot.

Cross-Party Groups (CPGs) provide an opportunity for members of all parties, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest in a particular cause or subject. The Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Social Enterprise in The Scottish Parliament is Scotland’s social enterprise policy forum. You can see details of the Purpose of the group, MSP involvement and the external member list etc. on The Scottish Parliament website here.


12:45 Arrival at The Scottish Parliament (external guests please arrive at 12:45 at the latest to get through security and to be taken to the relevant room).

13:00 Networking and light lunch.

13:20 Introduction by CPG Convener, Chic Brodie MSP.

13:25 Presentations by each of the speakers: Francesca Osowska, Director, The Commonwealth Games and Sport, The Scottish Government and Diane Cameron, Social Enterprise & Sports Co-ordinator, Senscot.

13:45 Discussion with speakers and group members.

14:30 Meeting ends.

If you need a contact or information after the event please email: duncan.thorp@socialenterprise.scot. 


Information and opportunities for social enterprises

Games related contracts

There are still substantial contract opportunities to come, with an estimated £50 million worth of contracts to be procured by the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee in the second half of 2013. There are more than 21,000 registrations to date on the Glasgow Business Portal who are receiving information about procurement opportunities being advertised in their sector. If your Social Enterprise has yet to register on the Glasgow Business Portal, I encourage you to do so via: http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/BusinessPortal

Pilotlight Project

Through the Pilotlight Scotland Legacy 2014 project three social enterprises are currently receiving expert mentoring over a 2 year period to enable them to expand their reach and enhance the services they provide to Scotland’s communities. In the second phase of the programme there will be the opportunity for at least another three social enterprises to apply to the programme to receive similar support, if you would be interested in applying to the programme please visit: http://www.pilotlight.org.uk/

Opportunities for funding

More generally, there are a wealth of opportunities, which social enterprises are eligible for and can apply to receive funding from, for example, a social enterprise looking to take on a modern apprentice, may wish to apply to receive up to £1,500 via Legacy 2014 Employment Recruitment Incentive. A community-led sport social enterprise may wish to apply for funding via the Legacy 214 Active Places Fund to create or improve places in their local community where people can go to get active. Grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 are available for a very wide range of community-led projects such as new bike or skate parks, outdoor adventure facilities, walking routes, or new projects within school estates. Links to apply to these fund and many more can be found by visiting: http://www.legacy2014.co.uk/be-part-of-it/funding

Answer to question in the discussion about jobs

Early work on the economic benefits of the Games suggests that the £500 million overall spending on construction and refurbishment of Games venues and the Athletes Village over the six years leading to 2014 will support on average an estimated 1,000 jobs and contribute an estimated £60 million to Scotland’s GVA in each year. At its peak in 2012, where £140 million was invested, around 2,000 FTE jobs and £100 million GVA were supported. As part of the Games Legacy evaluation we are now refining the estimates of the impact of Games investment on jobs. We will also, in due course, be looking at the economic contribution of the Games to tourism, businesses and the labour market. An updated position will be published in a pre-Games report in 2014, and in the subsequent legacy reports from 2015.  You can find out more about the plans for the evaluation of the Commonwealth Games at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/ArtsCultureSport/Sport/MajorEvents/Glasgow-2014/Commonwealth-games.


Report from 6th Cross-Party Group on Social Enterprise in The Scottish Parliament meeting.

The theme of this meeting was “the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games & Social Enterprise”. The report below summarises the main points of the discussion.

Tue 18 June 2013

Chic Brodie MSP: We welcome the new Glasgow mapping research just released. The Scottish Parliament EET committee inquiry into underemployment in Scotland and the importance of the Games.

Francesca Osowska: As well as the Games we have other events in 2014, Homecoming and the independence referendum, so it should be seen in this wider context. Opportunities for social enterprises in terms of the legacy, contracts, skills development, employment and community regeneration. Information sources include Glasgow City Council, the organising committee for the Games, the business portal for Scotland and Public Contracts Scotland. We are pleased to work with Ready For Business, Social Enterprise Scotland and Senscot. We have held events that have reached 9000 businesses, including social enterprises. There are still £50M of contracts to bid for. Relevant agencies have put in place assistance to bid. Partnering and collaboration possible for bigger bids. Role of Supplier Development Programme. Service delivery contracts of particular of interest to social enterprises. We are speaking to both CEiS and Ready for Business. We recognise the strength of social enterprises in supporting regeneration and community empowerment. New Scottish Government scheme and recent Shona Robison announcement. The physical regeneration of the east end of Glasgow and the Dalmarnock community is notable, as well as the new Clyde Gateway. The games are a legacy and a catalyst for many other things and we have seen the establishment of the People’s Development Trust, run by local people.

Diane Cameron: I have volunteered myself for the Games. My role is with the Sport thematic network, raising the profile of sport social enterprises, connecting and empowering them. There are 13,000 sports clubs in Scotland – without realising it they are “accidental” social enterprises. We have statistics about sports SEN members. It’s a very broad mix. Lots of health and well-being ones in the group too, as well as those dealing with young people and apprenticeships and diversionary activities. Young people definitely do want to be involved with these organisations. Members are often based in a facility, communities stepped in to take over local authority buildings/services. Have become a hub of the community, not just a sports facility. Sport makes people passionate, it’s about inclusion. Lots going on in alignment with the 4 aspects of the legacy: flourishing, sustainable, connected and active. Social enterprises deliver on this. Opportunities with the Games are not as open and accessible as we wish they had been but we are now engaging with the legacy team. We want more impact and a possible national body for sports social enterprises. The aim is to grow the sector. Great mix e.g. Spartans in Edinburgh does work in dental health and also diversions from prison, as well as mountain climbing and skateboarding. Employability is a big issue.

Doneil Macleod, NHS Lothian: What predictions are there for how many sustainable long-term jobs once we move away from this period? What’s the return on investment for jobs and health?

Francesca Osowska: There are big benefits in these areas from the Games as a whole. There is a comprehensive evaluation process in place, a longitudinal study. I can send you more information on specifics [see footnotes below for information]. We have learned from the London 2012 legacy. There was a recent event on legacy – the point was that legacy could be measured long after the event. Long-term and sustained is the strong emphasis.

Diane Cameron: We often talk about preventative spend – we need to ensure that this is a catalyst to better health, with long-term benefit. Impacts in many different ways, huge tourism spend through cycling, for example.

Chic Brodie MSP: Especially catering and tourism benefits, lots of discussion around employment. Other important events in 2014.

Ron Sutherland, University of Edinburgh: Infrastructure and regeneration, what about “disbenefits” like displacement of people and businesses, those adversely affected.

Francesca Osowska: Worth noting the role of the local Dalmarnock community hub. Wherever there is a project like this there are of course some downsides too. There is change, there are new facilities etc. The role of the People’s Development Trust in mitigating any negative effects. Social enterprises have the link into the community and not a top-down approach.

James Gunn, West Dumbarton Leisure Trust: The local east end people – most don’t know about the Games, no presentations to local groups – needs better marketing. Many benefits but need to raise the profile among the “hidden majority”.

Francesca Osowska: Yes, note your points and happy to speak to you about this, always good to improve communications.

David Fryer: Local government is very top-down. Can we reach out to more social enterprises? Lack of investment in local sports facilities. You need to reach beyond the council and NHS and to local groups instead.

Chic Brodie MSP: Spoken to government and MSP colleagues about communication with social enterprises and particularly those working in sport.

Francesca Osowska: Yes, we need more community empowerment, bottom-up and not top-down. Public sector is all-pervasive. The Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill will help with this, along with other organisations like Social Enterprise Scotland and Senscot.

Diane Cameron: This comes up a lot in social enterprise. It’s a public sector issue and a communications issue. The sports agencies go to local authorities by default e.g. to set up sports hubs. But social enterprises can point them to already existing sports hubs. Communities are disempowered. It’s down to relationships with local authority.

[Laurie Russell, Chair, Social Enterprise Scotland, took over as meeting Chair at this point]

Willie McArthur, Scotia Transport Skills Academy: Regeneration – where is the money coming from? Grants are not regulated, the same people get them. Companies Limited closing down to then set up again as CICs.

Laurie Russell: Social enterprises try and win contracts, not access grants. Not heard of that situation. Grant applications do have a strong criteria.

Willie McArthur, Scotia Transport Skills Academy: Social Enterprise Edinburgh don’t want to know us. We have no help, no European funding, no Scottish Enterprise help, we are excluded.

Francesca Osowska: Less public funding available, this trickles down to organisations and social enterprises. The Scottish Government still supports urban regeneration organisations and £73.5M for third sector organisations. Within constraints we are trying to support regeneration and the third sector. 

Penny Lochhead, PMR Leisure: Great legacy work going on. We have lots of projects. But why do we need another national intermediary body? Things are better with better communication, we don’t need another layer or organisation. The system for sport is working, not more organisations just better communication.

Diane Cameron: Things have changed over the past 3 years. We need to talk more about sustainability and the business model. Social impact and expertise – that’s what we bring. That’s what any new body would bring.

Malcolm Gillies, Inch Park Community Sports Club: We didn’t know we were a social enterprise. It makes our path easier with every sports club being a social enterprise. We are a club and a business. Success comes from being enterprising.

Laurie Russell: We are businesses first but with a social impact.

Guest from Swedish social enterprise delegation: It is totally new to us to hear about social enterprises that do sport. There is lots of potential in the cultural and creative movement in Sweden, we have strong sports clubs and we have started talks about them becoming enterprising. We sense some tension in social enterprise organisational structures in Scotland. We are very interested in Community Benefit Clauses. The Gothenburg Tunnel will use Community Benefit Clauses. How will you take forward Community Benefit Clauses in Scotland?

Francesca Osowska: Public Contracts Scotland was the starting point. Now emphasis on Community Benefit Clauses and the role of supported employment and procurement. There is an overarching procurement issue.

Laurie Russell: We spend a lot of time bidding for contracts. Lots of good work has happened around procurement but more to be done – particularly around UK government contracts. There is a different approach between the UK and Scottish governments. If the Scottish Government are monitoring how many Scottish businesses have been awarded contracts, what about for social enterprise?

Francesca Osowska: Not got that information in detail at this stage.

Laurie Russell: Some organisations are missing out locally.

Penny Lochhead, PMR Leisure: The role of Scottish hockey and new clubs, lots of innovation and work going on.

David Henderson, WHALE Arts: Community asset ownership. Assets given that will be a liability for the community in the future. What about big infrastructure projects? Rising land values and associated benefits.

Francesca Osowska: The Procurement Reform Bill and the Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill – some solutions lie there.

Fraser Kelly, Social Enterprise Scotland: How are social enterprises involved in the very early design stages of the Games and other projects?

Francesca Osowska: Social enterprises have been heavily involved in terms of the People’s Development Trust. The Velodrome and community group engagement too. Community gym availability. Not sure in terms of exact design stage.

Diane Cameron: The local community and community of interest – there is a difference e.g. Scottish Hockey trying to involve local community but also other communities.

James Gunn, West Dumbarton Leisure Trust: Advantages for local people, lots of significant benefits from the Games.

Laurie Russell: Public Social Partnerships an option too, to design services and facilities.