On Monday 28th August the Scottish Government confirmed the move of social enterprise support from the Third Sector Division to the Wellbeing Economy sitting under Neil Gray MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy.

This webpage section provides useful documents and aids for members to inform, equip and enable us to gather views on the move and the implications for our sector.

We are keen to hear from you to help inform our ongoing dialogue with Scottish Government Ministers and Officials and to ensure that the voices of frontline social enterprises are heard. Feel free to email the team today.

You can read a letter from our CEO to Social Enterprise Scotland members about the responsibility for social enterprise support moving from the Third Sector Division to the Wellbeing Economy here.

You can also read a positioning paper produced by our Chair, Douglas Westwater, where opportunities and possible concerns were raised (July 2023). Click here.

Social Enterprise Action Plan – Delivery Plan 2021-24
The Social Enterprise Action Plan forms part of the Scottish Government’s long-term commitment to realising the full potential of social enterprise as described in the 10 year Social Enterprise Strategy.

The Action Plan sets out 27 Key Actions that through successful delivery will lead towards the achievement of the 3 strategic priorities set out in the Strategy:

  • Stimulating Social Enterprise
  • Developing Stronger Organisations
  • Realising Market Opportunities

This delivery plan will set out our initial approach towards delivering each of the Key Actions, drawing in partners from across the social enterprise ecosystem. Click below for more.

Useful reading: